

The Rixos Turkish Flair


Deeply rooted in our approach to hospitality are our Turkish origins and traditions. We value genuine Turkish hospitality that comes from the heart, creating an intimate and inviting atmosphere for our guests.


We understand that each guest harbours unique wishes and desires. Our dedication to providing authentic services and experiences, and engaging guests of all ages with our cultural charm, makes our guest's lifelong friends.



Turkish Welcome and Goodbye


Our guests begin their stay by joining our family. Hospitality is a cornerstone of Turkish culture, and the Rixos welcome ritual is inspired by such traditions. We are, of course, sad to see guests leave at the end of their holiday and as they depart, brimming with memories, our send-off is hopeful that they will return soon.


When guests arrive or depart, they are gifted a blue eye, a traditional Turkish Nazar, as a good luck charm. Our welcome and farewell rituals are also a moment to savour and indulge for the first time and one last, the richness of Turkish tea or coffee and delicious Turkish delights as we share Turkish traditions as tokens of our hospitality.